Prestressed Concrete
Pre-stressed concrete has been proving its versatility in bridge and deck construction, dams and retaining walls, tiebacks, pavements, poles, piling, and in repairing existing structures.
Pre-stressed concrete structures are especially economical for longer spans, shallower depths, and short construction time. This allows impressive savings of concrete and steel versus old-design reinforced structures.
According to an article published by the Alaska DOT, “concrete bridges are a practical way to deal with Alaska’s many design and construction challenges, including short construction season, remote locations, temperature extremes, seismic demands, and coastal environments.”
In buildings, the depth of beams and girders can be greatly reduced as the thickness of the slab is reduced allowing more head room. Also, more stories can be added at any time with the roof becoming the floor for the added story.
Pre-cast Concrete Company now has the capabilities to produce AKDOT’s 42″, 54″ and 66″ Deck Bulb Tee (DBT) girders with lengths up to 170 feet. We are also offering panels, and other prestressed concrete products.
Our History
AS&G was the first producer of prestressed concrete products in 1959, bridge girders were supplied for the Eagle River bridge and pre-stressed panels to the National Bank of Alaska. Production was ceased due to the 1964 earthquake.