Slick-Pak II


Slick-Pak II is a dry powdered concrete pumping aid packaged in a patented, ready-to-use, water-soluble bag.

Slick-Pak II is uniquely formulated to provide the concrete pumper with a cost-effective method for improving the pumpability of hard to pump and/or harsh concrete and grout mixes. Additionally, Slick-Pak II reduces line pressure, improves flow properties and increases the rate and range of pumpability.

Slick-Pak II does not contain calcium chloride, nitrates, nitrites or other potentially corrosive materials and is compatible with all standard concrete admixtures. In addition, Slick-Pak II contains no bentonite, cementitious materials, soaps or air-entraining agents.

Use one water-soluble inner bag in 5-15 gallons (20-60 liters) of water to prime 100 ft of 5 inch pump line.

Slickpak II [SDS]
Slick Pak II – Info

Product NumberDescriptionSize
FP 97136Slick-Pak II8 oz. water soluble bag 60 bags per case