Snap-Cap Expansion Joint Cap Strip

SNAP-CAP provides a time- and cost-saving method for forming straight, uniform, and debris-free joints of the proper configuration, ready to seal. The top of SNAP-CAP pulls free and can be discarded. The exposed concrete surfaces assure balanced adherence to the sides. It is ideal for both horizontal and vertical concrete projects.

To install, slide SNAP-CAP over the top of the expansion joint. Place the concrete and screed to finish grade as usual. When concrete is cured, insert a screwdriver through the top of SNAP-CAP, pull free and discard. The joint is ready to seal.

Product NumberDescriptionPackaging
WR 291 5010Snap-Cap Expansion Joint Cap Strip3/4″ x 10′
WR 291 3010Snap-Cap Expansion Joint Cap Strip1/2″ x 10′