Winter Aggregate/ Traction Sand

Winter Aggregate –  #4 Minus Bedding Aggregate – Traction Sand.
1 cubic yard weighs approx. 2,800 lbs or 1.4 tons.

Product NumberSizeEstimated Weight
Available at the Sales Counter/ Warehouse:
132 760 bag60 lbs
132 110Q 1/4 cubic yard700 lbs
132 110H1/2 cubic yard1,400 lbs
132 110T 3/4 cubic yard2,100 lbs
132 110Y 1 cubic yard2,800 lbs

Available at the Klatt Pit Scale House:

132 110bulk ton2,000 lbs

Aggregate and sand weights are estimated stockpile weights and may vary in accordance with moisture content, texture and gradation of materials.
