Sand Lake Disposal & Snow Dump Site

The Sand Lake disposal site is located on Sand Lake Road and accepts construction material waste such as peat, clay, and ground tree. These are used for landfill purposes.
Our Sand Lake Disposal Site is permitted as a “Clean Fill Site” and excludes any contaminated materials. AS&G cannot accept any construction waste from any project that originates at the AIA Airport, Merrill Field, the Port of Anchorage or any site that has been designated as a contaminated site by ADEC.
Acceptable Materials
- Gravel, silt, sand, soil, clay, peat, and hydro-axed materials
- Concrete demolition and concrete block demolition without rebar will be accepted
- Concrete demolition and concrete block demolition with wire mesh and rebar will be accepted so long as the wire mesh and rebar are cut off flush with the concrete
- Trees and brush will be accepted so long as they are cut in sections not greater than 6 feet and are mixed with excavation from the job site.
Prohibited Materials
- Building materials, lumber, pallets, etc.
- Debris, paper, signs, or refuse of any kind.
- Poly or plastic products.
- Insulation or fabrics.
- Metal or plastic pipe
- Used appliances or furniture.
- Car parts or used tires.
- Asphalt pavement.
- Petroleum products of any kind including the following: Gasoline, Diesel, Bunker fuel, Jet fuel, Liquid asphalt, Used oil, Motor oil, Solvents, Paints or paint thinners.
- Chemicals and any materials with high levels of Lead, Chromium, or Arsenic.
- Hazardous waste as listed and defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC).
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs).
We accept delivery of construction waste with end dumps, semi-end dumps, side dumps, and end dumps with pups. No material shall be delivered with belly dumps.
Advance Notice
Contractor will notify AS&G in advance of their plans to make delivery to the landfill and will furnish notice of the days of delivery, including start-up time and shut-down time.